Interesting Things You Didn’t Know About Weighing Animals in Your Lab

Interesting Things You Didn’t Know About Weighing Animals in Your Lab

Weighing animals is important for any laboratory that needs to know the exact weight of an animal for an experiment or test.

Weighing animals is quite important since it lets us know if they are healthy or not. Comparing an animal’s weight to a set median can help determine its overall weight and its state and species at the current time, but it also allows caretakers to determine the amount of food, medicine, water, and exercise they need. Weighing animals is also important for any laboratory that needs to know the exact weight of an animal for an experiment or test. However, there is a lot more to weighing animals than simply letting them step onto a scale. Read on to learn more!

How to Weigh Animals

While a few animals are tranquilized and placed onto weighing scales once they are not moving, a lot of animals are fully conscious and not cooperative. How does dynamic weighing account for excited or naughty dogs? The scale works out the average weight based on the force exerted by the animal over an extended period.  The scale will sum together all these data points and lock out a weight on the display. This way, even if the animal moves, it can still be easily weighed. It also means that the animals don’t have to be restrained, which reduces stress for both the animals and their handlers. Dynamic weighing isn’t just for animals too. It is also a feature used to measure liquids in labs too.

A Tough Scale is Needed

Whether you are working in a lab weighing small rodents, or a veterinarian who only handles family pets, you need strong animal weighing scales. Something that resists animal waste with multiple cleanings daily, dust, dirt, water, and shock protection. Animals will probably leave a bit of mess after they’re weighed. The scale has to resist this as much as possible. Stainless steel scales are rust-resistant and simple to wipe down. Typically, the pan can be removed so any dirt that might have accumulated can be cleaned off. Animals can also jump, fall, or pounce, so the load cells have to be able to handle plenty of shock. Shock protection features are worth considering for any high-precision weighing instruments like a top-pan precision balance.

Multiple Scales Might Be Required

While some places might get away with a single vet scale for an animal, a veterinarian, zoo, or laboratory will probably need multiple kinds of weighing scales. Rabbits and tigers have varying weights, so using the same massive platform is inconvenient. Get in touch with the Lab People to learn which types of scales you will need for your animal weighing!


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