It is essential for anybody working in a laboratory to know which beaker is fit for the task.
Glassware is an essential part of the everyday containers and utensils used in a laboratory. Beakers play a big role in lab work and particularly within chemistry labs. With a full range of different beakers available, each providing specific functions, it is essential for anybody working in a laboratory to know which beaker is fit for the task. Picking the correct beaker can facilitate the process and improve the chances of accurate test results.
Glass will always be an essential lab material because of its ability not to affect the samples or chemicals contained in the lab containers, and also withstands most chemical reactions. Glass is quite prone to breakage due to improper handling, exposure to chemicals, and elements such as heat, so care must be taken. Read on to learn all about laboratory beakers and their many uses!
Beaker Categories
There are four main types of beakers, and their shape categorizes them. The standard beakers known as Griffin beakers are lower beakers, and their height is about 40% of its diameter. The taller beaker is known as Berzelius beakers. They are thin, and their height is double their diameter. The third type of beaker is called a crystallizer. While many different beakers will have markings by the crystallizer beakers will typically not have measuring marks. The fourth type is called the Phillips beaker. While the Phillips might seem like a Griffins beaker with closer examination, you’ll see that the walls of a Phillips are sloping and graduated towards the mouth of a beaker, so the mouth of the beaker is much more narrow than its base.
Beakers and Their Functionality
Beakers have their main use. Phillips and Griffin beakers manage most of the daily lab use through measuring, mixing, containment, and decanting tasks within laboratory processes. Berzelius beakers are used for titration experiments where solutions are mixed to generate plenty of results. Flatform beakers are used for hot bath heating in your lab. Plastic beakers are used specifically to carry out gamma spectral analysis and similar experiments. You may be mistaken to use markings for accurate measurements, but graduated cylinders or flasks are used for accurate measurements.
Glassware and Beaker Care
Chemicals can be quite abrasive, and when using glassware, it is important to wash off any residue to help protect the glass, quality, and standards. Looking for the proper cleaning solutions that will ensure the cleaning process is effective is key. For any cleaning solutions, beakers, or lab equipment for your laboratory, come visit the Lab People today!
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