A couple of watt balances worldwide have demonstrated the ability to measure around 1 kg masses with a relative uncertainty of a couple of parts in 10.
The everlong quest for a redefined international system of units has become quite a global undertaking. The watt balance, which Dr. Bryan Kibble first conceived, is a mass metrology apparatus that balances out the weight of an object against an electromagnetic force generated by a current-carrying coil immersed in a magnetic field. This balance toggles between two different measurement modes by design and indirectly compares electrical and mechanical power. It is a force transducer that can be calibrated in terms of optical, frequency, and electrical measurements. A couple of watt balances worldwide have demonstrated the ability to measure around 1 kg masses with a relative uncertainty of a couple of parts in 10. To learn more about this type of kibble balance, read on!
Basic Kibble Balance Theory
We will first explain the physics underpinning the professional watt or Kibble balance. Multiple national metrology institutes around the globe have constructed Kibble balances and are pursuing ultra-high-precisions mass measurements. These balances can measure masses ranging from around 500 g to 1 kg and obtain relative standard uncertainties in tiny measurements even though the Kibble balance might appear functionally similar to an equal-arm balance. Equal-arm balances are passive, which depend on comparing an unknown mass to a calibrated one. In contrast, a Kibble balance is active and depends on compensating for the unknown weight within a known type of force.
The Lego Watt Balance and Its Mechanics
There is an experiment conducted with this type of balance. It takes a symmetric design for the watt balance that conforms to quickly recognized notions of an equal-arm beam balance. We reiterate that there are various ways to construct a watt balance. You could use a weighing pan suspended from each arm of the balance, which will then pivot around its center. Suspended underneath each weighing pan is a wire-wound coil that is immersed in a radial magnetic field. For this experiment, we recommend keeping the system in an open-field design. This way, no additional ferromagnetic material can guide the magnetic flux direction. If you want to learn much more about the Kibble balance and how it redefines measurements, give the Lab People a call today! We have these balances available and can go more in-depth about their functionality!
The Lab People Inc. is a trusted provider of laboratory equipment, services, supplies, and rental equipment for you and your laboratory. As an ISO 17025 accredited service organization, we stand behind our services with 100% satisfaction guaranteed for all our customers. We offer on-site and off-site calibration services for balances, pipettes, moisture analyzers, force measurement, test weights, and more. Services include preventative maintenance, SQ-Min, IQOQ, repairs, legal for trace/placed in service, verification, and more.
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